Slovakia, located in Central Europe, is known for its rich history, diverse culture, and growing economy. As a member of the European Union and NATO, Slovakia plays an important role in regional cooperation, security, and economic development.
According to the Three Seas Initiative (3SI), this regional format is mainly analysed and discussed in relation to the economic problems of this region of 13 countries in Central, Northern and Southern Europe (and some particular states). In this article, the author, Piotr Wójcik, focuses on the soft power dimension…
1. Introduction Brain drain – the emigration of skilled professionals to pursue opportunities abroad in another country – has emerged as a significant challenge for Central-Eastern European countries in recent decades,- and Slovakia is not the exception to this phenomenon. Following its transition from a centrally planned economy to a…
In December 2023, Blue Europe published The Dragon at the Gates of Europe: Chinese presence in the Balkans and Central-Eastern Europe. The book presents a discussion of the evolution of economic and diplomatic relations between China and CEE-NEE-SEE countries. It notes that, while relations have generally seen a surge in…
Zdeněk Rod - University of West Bohemia in Pilsen Zdeněk Rod is a research fellow and PhD candidate at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Department of Politics and International Relations. He is also CEO & Co-Founder of Center for Security Consulting in Prague, a fellow at the International…
Slovakia's renewable energy targets and strategy Slovakia's National Energy and Climate Plan sets an ambitious target of achieving a 19.2% share of renewable energies in gross final energy consumption by 2030. To ensure the security and affordability of electricity and heat generation, the state is poised to support renewable energy…
3.6 percent of Slovakia's GDP and 3.9 percent of its labor force were devoted to agriculture in 2016. Large farm holdings are a defining feature of the agricultural industry; Slovakia's average farm size is 77.5 hectares, compared to the EU average of 14.4 ha. Slovakia has agricultural land covering more…
Among the unexpected major nuclear powers in the EU, Slovakia stands out by its energy production profile , quite unique. Thanks to an unique public policy that started in the 1960, when Czechoslovakia was still a country, the Slovakian government have been expanding nuclear capacities continiously. Today, Slovakia produces more…
DIGITISATION IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPEAN COUNTRIES: CYBERSECURITY CONCERNS, CORPORATE RESPONSES, AND GOVERNMENT STRATEGIES By Manel Bernadó Arjona The Downside of Digitisation: Cybersecurity Implications The rapid increase in the use of digital tools across all strata of society requires strong, well-oriented cybersecurity measures that tackle multifaceted cyber risks. The entry…
Introductory text of the 2021-2024 cycle on Energy in Central Europe. Central Europe is not immune to the problems of energy management, a subject that also worries the European Parliament. The latest political move is from a few weeks ago, signed by a group of centrist and conservative MEPs. "Renewable…