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European union

Economy, European Union, near shoring, outsourcing, Poland, relocating, technology
Relocating in Central European countries : Nearshoring and outsourcing inside the European Union through the example of Poland Analysis & ResearchShort Analysis

Relocating in Central European countries : Nearshoring and outsourcing inside the European Union through the example of Poland

Pawel de la Bassetière, MS. Economy,  review  Outsourcing within the EU has proved to be one of the shifts that has had the largest impacts on the European Union’s economy in recent decades. This took many different forms and evolved with time, but is overall an increasing trend, especially observed…
belarus, borders, lithuania, poland, illegals
The new weapon of autocrats – Weaponized migration in the hybrid wars Analysis & ResearchShort Analysis

The new weapon of autocrats – Weaponized migration in the hybrid wars

An article by Henrique Horta, Eastern Europe specialist.  NATO defines a hybrid threat as one “that combines conventional, irregular and asymmetric activities in time and space.” Hybrid threats do not invoke a particular sequence of events. They are coordinated activities that target the weakest systemic points of democratic states and…
Henrique Horta