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Energy Market

The energy market is basically a market handling process specifically with the trade and provision of energy, which may refer to the electrical energy market or other energy resources.

kozloduy nuclear power
The Energy Sector of Bulgaria: Mitigating Historical Dependence on Russia Short Analysis

The Energy Sector of Bulgaria: Mitigating Historical Dependence on Russia

Written by Brian Fabrègue and Andrea Bogoni. 1. Introduction Bulgaria's energy sector is at a critical juncture, with two main objectives shaping its direction: decarbonization and reducing reliance on Russian energy. Over the past year, Bulgaria has made considerable progress in expanding its renewable energy capacity, particularly in solar power.…
Andrea Bogoni
CEFC China
The Implications of CEFC’s Investments in the Czech Republic for the Future of Chinese Investment in the CEE Region Short Analysis

The Implications of CEFC’s Investments in the Czech Republic for the Future of Chinese Investment in the CEE Region

Štěpař Roman - Charles University Roman Štěpař, a native of Prague, graduated with a Master's degree in International Relations from Charles University. He enriched his global outlook by studying in Taiwan, China and Korea. He is dedicated to promoting international cooperation and strengthening mutual understanding. His vision leads him to…
Guest Author
Tarnița – Lăpuștești on the Someșul Cald River in Cluj County
China’s energy projects and investments in the Balkan countries: patterns and trends of cooperation Short Analysis

China’s energy projects and investments in the Balkan countries: patterns and trends of cooperation

Elizabeth Yoneva – University of National and World Economy Elizabeth Yoneva is Associate Professor in the International Relations Department at the University of National and World Economy, Sofia (Bulgaria). She is also Vice-Dean in Scientific and Research Activity of the Faculty of International Economics and Politics. Her teaching activity and…
Guest Author
China Romania Relations
China’s (lack of) presence in Romania’s strategic sector: Regional outlier or historical path dependency? Short Analysis

China’s (lack of) presence in Romania’s strategic sector: Regional outlier or historical path dependency?

Sergiu Mitrescu – New Strategy Center Sergiu Mitrescu is Program Director at the New Strategy Center and University of Birmingham graduate with an undergraduate Degree in International Relation and a Master’s Degree in Security Studies. His research covers the strategic role of energy, with a particular focus on the security…
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Bulgaria-Serbia-Interconnector (2)
Interconnector Bulgaria-Serbia: closer ties with Azerbaijan and resilient European energy markets Short Analysis

Interconnector Bulgaria-Serbia: closer ties with Azerbaijan and resilient European energy markets

The Serbo-Bulgarian Gas Connector, formally known as the Interconnector Bulgaria-Serbia (IBS), represents a critical infrastructural and geopolitical development in the energy sector of Southeast Europe. The inauguration of the construction works on the Bulgarian section of this gas interconnector was a significant milestone, underscoring its importance as an EU Project…
Mochovce nuclear power plant
A brief outlook of renewable energy in Slovakia: trend and potential Short Analysis

A brief outlook of renewable energy in Slovakia: trend and potential

Slovakia's renewable energy targets and strategy Slovakia's National Energy and Climate Plan sets an ambitious target of achieving a 19.2% share of renewable energies in gross final energy consumption by 2030. To ensure the security and affordability of electricity and heat generation, the state is poised to support renewable energy…
Corbii Mari solar panel park, Dâmbovița county
Romania and the path to renewables: solar panels Short Analysis

Romania and the path to renewables: solar panels

Romania is undergoing a significant expansion in solar power within its broader energy transition framework, bolstered by European funding and legal reforms. This upsurge has prompted investments across the spectrum, from individual households as prosumers to utility-scale facilities, with local government units emerging as a significant segment for development up…
Budapest Skyline, Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Energy Market, Hungary, Military
2023 in Hungarian Economics: a difficult year? Outlooks in Energy and Military spending Short Analysis

2023 in Hungarian Economics: a difficult year? Outlooks in Energy and Military spending

Comparing the second quarter of 2022 with the previous quarter – according to the European Commission - , Hungary's gross domestic product increased by 1.1%. However, consumer confidence indices have deteriorated and monthly data point to a decline in consumption, housing transactions, construction activity and loans. Higher inflation and energy…
Moldova amid a potential devastating energy crisis: attempted solutions and policies Analysis & ResearchShort Analysis

Moldova amid a potential devastating energy crisis: attempted solutions and policies

The Republic of Moldova, with a population of 3.6 million and the capital city of Chisinau, is located in eastern Europe adjacent to the north-eastern Balkans. The country encompasses 33,844 square kilometers and is bordered on the north, east, and south by Ukraine, and on the west by the Prut…