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Agricultural Sector

The agricultural sector in Europe is a vital part of the economy, encompassing food production, rural development, and sustainable practices. It focuses on enhancing productivity, ensuring food security, and promoting sustainable farming methods.

Agriculture in Poland
Agriculture in Poland: key policies and EU action plans Short Analysis

Agriculture in Poland: key policies and EU action plans

You can read here our general outlook of the agricultural sector in Poland. A quest for agricultural resilience Agricultural production inherently faces instability due to market fluctuations, natural resource dependence, and climatic conditions. Factors like harmful insects, plant pests, adverse weather, or severe market imbalances can lead to harvest failures…
Poland agriculture
Agriculture in Poland: a comprehensive overview Short Analysis

Agriculture in Poland: a comprehensive overview

Agriculture has been a pivotal sector in the economy and society, evolving over time from being the primary economic sector to a more diversified role. Originally, it was the only sector capable of generating the necessary economic surplus for further development, including industrialization. As economic growth progresses, agriculture's relative importance…
Greek wildfire
Greece vis-a-vis climate change: tourism and agriculture affected Short Analysis

Greece vis-a-vis climate change: tourism and agriculture affected

Greece's picturesque landscapes and rich biodiversity are under siege from an increasing number of vegetation fires. These fires, driven by both natural and human factors, present significant economic and environmental challenges. The country's hot, dry summers create ideal conditions for fires, while human activities, including negligent behaviour and arson, contribute…