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Piotr is M.A. in International Relations from the University of Warsaw. In his research, he is particularly interested in the Three Seas Initiative, which was also the topic of his Master’s thesis. He is also keen on the Western Balkans and the Eastern Partnership, especially with regards to connectivity. He holds a postgraduate degree from the European Academy of Diplomacy (EAD) and holds a wealth of experience in the field: for instance, he has completed his traineeship at the Embassy of Poland in Lithuania. He has authored several articles and analyses for think tanks and publishing houses, such as the Institute of New Europe, Jagiellonian Club, and IGI Global. He also held scientific conferences and prelections at, among others, the official Three Seas Summit in 2024. Finally, he is involved with the Three Seas Initiative Research Centre Project (Polish Academy of Science) and is also a member of the Youth Polish Association – Forum of Young Diplomats (Forum Młodych Dyplomatów, FMD).


Board Trustees

  • Brian F. Guilhem Fabrègue, J.D., Ms. Law, MBA, Ms. History of Arts – President  –
  • Pawel de la Bassetière, Ph.d. candidate economy : (main) /
  • Gwendal Combot, Ms. Mathematics –
  • Leo Jonas Portal Ph.D. Politics –
  • Grzegorz Wiśniewski  Ph.D Economy – / (inactive)