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Manel Bernadó is a candidate to the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in International Law of Global Security, Peace and Development, a triple master from the University of Glasgow, IBEI, and Université Libre de Bruxelles. He has been awarded with an Erasmus Mundus full-ride scholarship by the European Commission. Graduated from Law and Global Governance at ESADE, he developed his knowledge on international relations and security by focusing his thesis on NATO's projection of deterrence on the CEE region
Andrea Bogoni is an alumnus of Economics at the University of Verona, having specialized in entrepreneurial economics, finance and international trade. His passion for international relations and political science have led him to deepen his knowledge in a self-taught manner, cooperating with various Italian-based study centres and think tanks. He has edited Blue Europe's book "The Dragon at the Gates of Europe: Chinese presence in the Balkans and Central-Eastern Europe" and contributed to the think tank with publications and reviews. Andrea is also an all round skilled analyst, with qualified competence of statistics and data analysis.
Research Gate


Board Trustees

  • Brian F. Guilhem Fabrègue, J.D., Ms. Law, MBA, Ms. History of Arts – President  –
  • Pawel de la Bassetière, Ph.d. candidate economy : (main) /
  • Gwendal Combot, Ms. Mathematics –
  • Leo Jonas Portal Ph.D. Politics –
  • Grzegorz Wiśniewski  Ph.D Economy – / (inactive)