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Full reports

The biggest focus of our full reports is to convey in depth knowledge on the European geopolitical relations, both east and west, including all its implications in geopolitics, economics and media. We are dedicated to covering everything that has to do with Europe.

Chip manufacturing
Can Poland and Ukraine become a European hub for semiconductor manufacturing? Full reports

Can Poland and Ukraine become a European hub for semiconductor manufacturing?

This contribution was originally presented by Blue Europe Fellow Marceli Hazla at the "Three Seas One Opportunity: Toward a New Intermarium" conference and won the best paper award for its insightful and documented perspective. Introduction Just as the beginning of the 1990s was dubbed the 'end of history', the aggression…
European Parliament
Pollution in the Western Balkans (Part 3): European Initiatives Full reports

Pollution in the Western Balkans (Part 3): European Initiatives

In this final third part we will analyse European initiatives put in place to address environmental issues in the Western Balkans. Particularly, we will go through EU financial instruments, EU implementation plans and finally European territorial cooperation. You can read the previous Part 2 here. European financial instruments EU instruments…
Balkans flag
The EU enlargement in the Western Balkans: new challenges after the war Full reports

The EU enlargement in the Western Balkans: new challenges after the war

Introduction The large-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russia since February 2022 has radically transformed the international political environment and internal balances within the European Union and, predictably, has also affected relations with the Western Balkans. The process of European integration of the six countries in the region (Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina,…
Léo Portal
Ursula von der Leyen
The Global Gateway (Part 2): is it failing its objectives? Full reports

The Global Gateway (Part 2): is it failing its objectives?

You can find part 1 here. The European Union's response to China's global trade and infrastructure programmes is now materialising. Europe's major Global Gateway initiatives aim to provide developing nations with an alternative to China's Belt and Road Initiative, which projects Beijing's clout along critical trade routes through port improvements,…
Léo Portal
Global Gateway Ursula von der Leyen
The Global Gateway (Part 1): a European response to the Belt and Road Full reports

The Global Gateway (Part 1): a European response to the Belt and Road

The Global Gateway is a new European strategy that was introduced by the European Commission and the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy on December 1, 2021. Its goal is to strengthen global health, education, and research systems while advancing smart, clean, and secure energy, digital, and transportation…
Léo Portal
Croatian National Bank
Croatia and the Euro (Part 1): why did the country adopt the common currency? Full reports

Croatia and the Euro (Part 1): why did the country adopt the common currency?

Despite challenging experiences with the Euro’s governance, particularly during the financial crisis, the rules for joining the monetary union have remained essentially unchanged since their inception, and Croatia has followed the path into the Eurozone as set out in the Maastricht Treaty. Croatia is the 20th country to decide to…
Andrea Bogoni
girl on a zoom call
Industry 4.0, Schumpeter’s “creative destruction” and COVID-19 Full reports

Industry 4.0, Schumpeter’s “creative destruction” and COVID-19

Creative destruction is an economic concept developed by Joseph Schumpeter in the middle of the 20th century. In his book “Capitalism, socialism and democracy”, Schumpeter describes this phenomenon as “process of industrial mutation that continuously revolutionises the economic structure from within, incessantly destroying the old one, incessantly creating a new…