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Sonja Stojadinovic

Sonja Stojadinovic holds, besides her extended education in Political Science, a wealth of experience working as civil servant in the Secretariat for European Affairs in the government of N. Macedonia, as well as 7+ years as freelance researcher in creating public policies and research papers for both Macedonian and EU NGOs. She is also a journalist for the Croatian web portal Lupiga and longtime author for Macedonian academic blog Respublika. Her interests cover Chinese foreign policy through the BRI, specially on the Balkan peninsula, EU integration of the Balkan region, worker rights and violation of human rights and environmental standards from FDIs.

Rare harth materials
Battle for critical and rare materials: dependency, politics and business interests Short Analysis

Battle for critical and rare materials: dependency, politics and business interests

Originally published on the Macedonian Academic Blog "Respublica" on December 29, 2023. Disclaimer: Due to personal political standpoints, the author avoids to use the prefix “North” in reference to the country officially known as The Republic of North Macedonia after the 2018 Prespa Agreement (Final Agreement for the settlement of…
Western Balkans meeting
Political and financial conditions for infrastructure investments of China and EU in the Western Balkan countries Short Analysis

Political and financial conditions for infrastructure investments of China and EU in the Western Balkan countries

This contribution is part of the book “The Dragon at the Gates of Europe: Chinese presence in the Balkans and Central-Eastern Europe” (more info here) and has been selected for open access publication on Blue Europe website for a wider reach. Citation: Stojadinovic, Sonja, Political and financial conditions for infrastructure investments of China and…