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Blue Europe

Blue Europe is an independent, non-profit and privately funded think tank based in Luxembourg, France and Poland. Made up of several organizations and experts working together, its vision is to develop exchanges between Western, Central and Eastern Europe, particularly at the economic and public policy levels. This is achieved by launching networking and co-design processes with local actors, contributing with policy recommendations and publishing impactful analyses.

Polish green energy
Green Energy in Poland: Challenges and Opportunities – Interview with Dr. Michalik Interviews & Discussions

Green Energy in Poland: Challenges and Opportunities – Interview with Dr. Michalik

Interview conducted by Jakub Skowron and Andrea Bogoni. Introduction The global energy landscape is undergoing a profound transformation, driven by the urgent need to shift toward more sustainable sources of power. Across Europe, this transition is not only an environmental imperative but also an economic and strategic necessity. The European…
Blue Europe
IV Congress Lublin 3SI
Poland and the Three Seas Initiative: Prof. Orzelska-Stączek perspective from the IV meeting in Lublin Interviews & Discussions

Poland and the Three Seas Initiative: Prof. Orzelska-Stączek perspective from the IV meeting in Lublin

Commentary by Andrea Bogoni. Interview conducted by Jan Normann. Introduction: the role of the Three Seas Initiative in the current scenario The Three Seas Initiative (TSI/3SI) has emerged as a vital platform for enhancing regional cooperation among the countries located between the Adriatic, Baltic, and Black Seas. Launched in 2015,…
Blue Europe
Macron-Xi Jinping-Von der Leyen
The multifaced relationship between the old continent and the Asian giant: discussion with Ewa Cieslik Short Analysis

The multifaced relationship between the old continent and the Asian giant: discussion with Ewa Cieslik

Interview conducted by Jan Normann and Andrea Bogoni. In December 2023 Blue Europe published “The Dragon at the Gates of Europe: Chinese presence in the Balkans and Central-Eastern Europe” edited by Andrea Bogoni and Brian Fabrègue. The book analyses both broad international aspects and country-specific implications of Beijing’s role in…
Blue Europe
Just Finance International and their research about Chinese investments in the Western Balkans Short Analysis

Just Finance International and their research about Chinese investments in the Western Balkans

Introduction Just Finance International (JFI) is a Dutch NGO focused on promoting transparency and accountability in global development and infrastructure finance. Their main activities include in-depth research on financial flows and advocating for climate and environmental justice, as well as human rights. They emphasize the impacts of large-scale infrastructure projects…
Blue Europe
Poland 3SI
Interview with Prof. W. Gizicki on Poland’s role in the Intermarium concept: fostering integration in CEE Short Analysis

Interview with Prof. W. Gizicki on Poland’s role in the Intermarium concept: fostering integration in CEE

Interview conducted by Jan Normann and Andrea Bogoni. In January 2023, Blue Europe published an article entitled “Poland's Role in the Intermarium Idea,” authored by Henrique Horta, which discusses Poland's role in the Intermarium concept, envisioning an integration of Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries between the Baltic, Black and…
Blue Europe
North Macedonia Vote
Sonja Stojadinovic interviewed on the elections in North Macedonia Our News

Sonja Stojadinovic interviewed on the elections in North Macedonia

The recent interview with Blue Europe member Sonja Stojadinovic on Cross-border Talks explores the implications of North Macedonia's recent elections: the centre-right VMRO-DPMNE party's victory reflects public dissatisfaction with the ruling left-wing SDSM. Key issues discussed include: Corruption: SDSM failed to dismantle the entrenched corruption from previous regimes, comprising also…
Blue Europe
Law Library zurich
Join us in Zurich at the 2024 Conference on Recent Developments in Commercial and Financial Law Statements and Events

Join us in Zurich at the 2024 Conference on Recent Developments in Commercial and Financial Law

We are thrilled to announce that Mr. Brian Fabregue, President of Blue Europe, will be taking the stage on Thursday, March 7, 2024 at the "2024 Conference on Recent Developments in Commercial and Financial Law: Insights from Law and Data" hosted by the Center for Legal Data Science (CLDS) and…
Blue Europe