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Rethinking Europe


Blue Europe, the European Think Tank

Blue Europe is both a think tank and an editorial project about the links between Central and Western Europe.

Our vision is to develop exchanges between the West and the East, particularly at the industrial and technological levels.

Our vision is to develop exchanges between the West and the East, particularly at the industrial and technological levels. To do this, our team is made up of various experts, polytechnicians, lawyers and financiers from all the countries concerned. We are grouped around the conviction that Central and Eastern Europe can eventually become the new driving force of Europe.

We are convinced that Central and Eastern Europe will play a major role in the future of the continent.

We connect, evaluate and facilitate the meeting of good practices, by connecting and presenting them throughout our work region. We launch networking and co-design processes with local actors for the sustainable development of territories.

As a think tank, Blue Europe’s aim is to :

  • to give an overall vision of the contemporary geostrategic stakes of the CEECs (Central and Eastern European countries)
  • to guide industrial and political players in the context of the growing economic and political power of the CEECs
  • to promote exchanges and cooperation between the countries of Western Europe and the CEECs at all levels
  • to popularize to the general public the issues of tomorrow


We launch networking and co-design processes with local actors .

We connect, evaluate and facilitate the meeting of good practices, by connecting and presenting them, for a better local development.


We contribute with public policy recommendations.

We propose and discuss the strengths of our research with policy makers, key stakeholders and social groups in order to jointly build knowledge.


We are publishing inspiring people.

That will answer the problems of tomorrow.


With the necessary resources, opportunities to conduct high level scientific research that is highly relevant for development, Blue Europe wants to point the right direction for an economy with better integration, greater efficiency and a better distribution of economic gains. Blue Europe connects its authors and the general public through the dissemination of original dossiers directly accessible on our website. Founded at the end of 2018, Blue Europe has become an important player in the circulation and exchange of ideas between Eastern and Western Europe.

Classement Shanghai, evolution, fidesz, Hongrie, Orban, université

Blue Europe yearly contest

Blue Europe, as a Think Tank, deals in Legal, Economic and Political matters, and wants to extend as much as possible the public knowledge of the European issues among its population. To this regard, the board sets up, on a yearly basis,  a scientific article writing contest.

The contest is open to all EU and EEA studentsand recently graduated people. We are inviting graduate students to write about their knowledge field – on any scientific topic of their choosing. It is our hope to discover those exceptional students that not only know their craft, but can also effectively communicate it to the scientific community as well as to the general public. Original articles may be submitted on any subject among the following: Law, Diplomatic Sciences, Economics , Econometry, Public Policies, Governance, Politics, Information Technology, Business, Technology, Geopolitics, Geography, Infrastructure and History (1) and must deal with at least partially Central and Eastern Europe (2).

Latest Winner (2021) : Andrea B. from Italy 
