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Dear readers and friends of Blue Europe,

As we approach the end of another year, it is with great pride and gratitude that we reflect on the remarkable journey our think tank has undertaken in 2023. Exactly as last year, we have worked toward participating in the public discourse and increasing public awareness on different issues. Our work has been cited in various outlets and it would be impossible to feature all of them. With the board, we have selected a few analyses that have had a considerable impact in the public discourse to showcase in our end of the year letter.

Media and Research

  • My work on the Romanian Energy Sector was cited by The Atlantic Council in a report about security in the Black Sea. Next year we will present an updated version of the analysis (read it here).
  • In the past, we explored the growing Polish Game Industry, with analyses authored by Léo Portal (here) and Gwendal Combot (here): these explorations were featured by Wikipedia and several sectorial blogs, extending our Polish gaming industry’s insights (Wikipedia page).
  • “Serbia and Jadar Lithium Mines: Will the Project Resume?” by Léo Portal, a deep analysis on a very controversial project, garnered attention from Euronews and CEE Energy News. The subject is indeed multifaced, and will deserve a follow up in the future (read the Euronews article). We would also like to give a shoutout to Martin Withaar, who has published an insightful article about Lithium detection, referencing our work (read Martin’s post).
  • Our take into the Bulgarian Real Estate Market led to a short interview of Pawel Morisson de la Bassetière and me with the leading Bulgarian economics newspaper, Capital. Our expertise in real estate was featured in a series of articles that are available both on the website and on paper (The housing market is tired after the euphoria  | Owning a home: Mission (Im)possible).

Shoutouts and Professionals

Media and other think tank presence is not all: Blue Europe is also about engaging with projects with multiple sectors. We would like to thank Daniel Foubert for his shoutout.

Additionally, multiple articles about CEE electric networks were featured on Fakta o Klimatu, a Czech project about energy production and usage all over the world.

Our research continues to be cited in professional sectorial forums and communities, reaffirming the enduring value of our contributions to public policy and corporate discourse (such as expat and security forums).

The Road Ahead

As we conclude this eventful year, we remain steadfast in our commitment to providing valuable insights and analysis on a wide range of policy issues. Our diverse range of citations showcases our dedication to making a meaningful impact in shaping public policy. Stay tuned for more thought-provoking articles and research from our think tank!

We are profoundly grateful for your interest and engagement throughout the year. We look forward to the exciting challenges and opportunities that await us in the coming year. Together, we can continue to shape a brighter future through informed policy decisions.

Finally, we take the opportunity to wish you a joyful Christmas, hoping that you have the chance to spend time with your loved ones and rest to prepare for the challenges that 2024 has in store!

Warmest wishes,
Brian F. G. Fabrègue, Blue Europe President

B.F.G. Fabrègue

Brian F. G. Fabrègue is Ph.D candidate in law at the University of Zurich and currently working as Chief Legal Officer for a Swiss fintech company. He headed Blue Europe for one term before being re-elected as the president of the Board in 2021, authoring articles in topics such as energy, environment and economics. His main working interests are international taxation, financial regulation, statistics and econometrics. Outside Blue Europe and legal scholarship, his research focuses mostly on smart development and has led him to analyse the entanglement between technology and law, particularly from a data privacy perspective.
